Project Description
Settlers Rise Aged Care Development
Location: Gowrie, Singleton NSW
Client: Settlers Rise Pty Ltd
Project Description: Aged Care Development comprising Duplex
Self-Care Residential Units, Hostel, Residential and High Level Care Facility
Value: $10M
The Challenges
HDB’s role: As part of the broader Settlers Rise development, the client requested that HDB develop a concept for an aged care development on a 35ha portion of the site. HDB designed the resulting duplex units, hostel and aged care facility. Each element sought to capitalise on the unique character of the site by fitting within the topography of the site and collectively create an engaging quality to the development. In preparing the design and subsequent Development Application/Statement of Environment Effects HDB worked to resolve a number of issues around accessibility, service provision, noise and traffic while staying true to the architectural vision of the proposed development.
Services: Town Planning, Building Design, Civil Design, Stormwater
Management, Project Management
Status: DA lodged