Project Description
Settlers Rise Residential Masterplan
Location: Gowrie, NSW
Client: Settlers Rise Pty Ltd
Project Description: 650 Lot Residential Masterplan including a new neighbourhood centre
Value: $100M
The Challenges
HDB’s role: HDB were presented with a development site of approximately 110ha previously identified as a golf course/residential development that did not proceed due to feasibility issues.
HDB reviewed the site and proposed a number of concepts, working to resolving various issues including stormwater, bushfire and the typography of the site to create a workable and feasible concept for future development.
The resulting Masterplan put in place a plan that would see a modern, fully integrated neighbourhood created. Incorporating 650 residential lots, an expansive network of recreation areas and a new neighbourhood centre, Settlers Rise sought to bring a new standard of quality, accessibility and liveability to the Singleton area.
Services: Town Planning, Urban Design, Building Design, Civil Engineering, Stormwater Management, Project Management, Bushfire Assessment
Status: Completed